Berkeley Lab


The UEC meets at least once a month to advance our activities on behalf of the user community. Copies of full meeting minutes can be requested by contacting the Internal Vice Chair (see Members page).

2024 Meeting Minutes

July 2024 – Confirmed speaker selection for MF seminar, Discussion on UEC website, Preparation of AUM UEC Townhall, Debrief of recent MF T-Shirt sale

June 2024 – Debrief of DoE review, Award selection for User Meeting, Organization of another MF T-Shirt Sale.

May 2024 – User Meeting workshops and symposia confirmed, User highlights selected, preparation of topics for the quinquennial review session, upcoming seminar speakers, Update on user proposal call.

April 2024 – DOE review in May, User Meeting planning keynote speakers and joint workshops, User Meeting town hall, upcoming seminar speakers, summary of BESAC report

March 2024 – Elected UEC external vice chair and internal vice chair, Preparing for DOE program review in May, Selected topic areas for User Meeting keynote talks: microelectronics and automation/autonomous experiments, Decided to include IDEA talk in User Meeting plenary session, planning for seminar series, update on Foundry Director search process

February 2024 – Foundry Director search, spring seminar series, nominations for UEC external and internal vice chairs, User Meeting subcommittee formed, Foundry T-shirts, User proposal call, BESAC subcommittee discussion with UEC

January 2024 – Welcome new UEC members, submit photo and brief bios, overview of UEC charter, UEC-hosted seminar in January, recruiting for User Meeting subcommittee and nominating keynote speakers, Foundry T-shirts, BESAC subcommittee discussion

2023 Meeting Minutes

December 2023 – Thank you to outgoing UEC members, elections for 2024 members, early planning for 2024 User Meeting

November 2023 – Planning for DOE visit May 2024, Foundry T-shirts, introductory email, UEC 2024 nominations

October 2023 – Changing bylaws with respect to UEC subcommittees, outreach to prospective users, snack station, T-shirts

September 2023 – UEC subcommittees, fall proposal call, ALS resource requests, proposal writing workshop, outreach to new users, UEC introductory emails

August 2023 – Recap of User Meeting 2023, follow-up on suggestions from Town Hall, seminar series

July 2023- Cancelled

June 2023 – Select staff service award winner, select student research paper award winner, select seminar speakers to invite, intro emails, mechanisms for receiving feedback from user community

May 2023 – External vice chair selected, Ed Barnard presented new Data Infrastructure group, spring proposal call update, seminar series speakers, User Meeting updates, Internal Development update, User Outreach update

April 2023 – UEC-hosted seminar speaker on May 2, Intro to new staff scientist Aeron Hammack, Internal vice chair selected, proposal call summary, User Meeting planning update, SCGSR program

March 2023 – Proposal call and travel grant, recap on Scientific Advisory Board meeting, User Meeting keynotes speakers confirmed, subcommittee structure

February 2023 – Subcommittee assignments, User Meeting brainstorming, Outreach plans, Internal development-plan to create a collection of data and methods

January 2023 – Welcome new members, open for nominations for internal and external vice chairs, subcommittee preferences, community norms, nano art

2022 Meeting Minutes

December 2022 – Thank you to UEC members ending their tenure, UEC elections, speakers for Foundry’s seminar series, final updates from Cheryl

November 2022 – UEC election, Proposal Review Board, Code of Conduct

October 2022 – UEC election, updating alumni UEC contact list, welcome packet for new Users + list of affiliate benefits, suggestion box, DEI library to encourage self-education

September 2022 – Welcome to Jim Ciston, recap of AUM, feedback from AUM townhall and virtual suggestion box, open discussion with Jim

August 2022 – AUM update, AUM townhall, proposal call, inviting Deputy Director to next UEC meeting, National Postdoc Association week

July 2022 – Voting for AUM Staff Award winner, AUM townhall, safety committee highlights, facility specific reminders document, suggestion box

June 2022 – AUM update, voting process for AUM poster session, UEC speaker picks for Tuesday seminar, Slack, staff communication

May 2022 – PRB meeting, AUM, UEC speaker picks for Foundry seminar series, approved Slack plan, upcoming postdoc/grad student highlights on Twitter, Welcome information for new users

April 2022 – AUM, Twitter, Slack, Facility-specific reminders document, Welcome info for new users

March 2022 – AUM, Internal Vice-Chair name change, Slack, Twitter

February 2022 – SAB meeting, AUM, User Satisfaction Survey 2021, Fostering community and sense of belonging, Safety training

January 2022 – Welcome, Nominations for External and Internal Vice-Chairs, AUM volunteers, AUM keynote speakers, COVID, Foundry seminar series

2021 Meeting Minutes

December 2021 – Thank you, UEC elections, January seminar speaker, Age of omicron, Job opening in Nanofabrication facility

November 2021 – UEC election nominations, Fall proposal review board, seminar speakers for 2022

October 2021 – seminar speakers for next year, lab access and vaccination declaration, UEC elections

September 2021 – feedback from AUM survey results, Fall/Winter seminar speakers, Fall proposal call

August 2021 – finalizing AUM details, user buddies, Fall proposal call, UEC-nominated seminar speakers for Fall/Winter

July 2021 – UEC-nominated seminar speakers, new COVID-19 lab access protocols, AUM update (career panels and student award nomination judging)

June 2021 – AUM poster session and award nominations, access to the Foundry, user code of conduct

May 2021 – AUM career panel planning, Molecular Foundry user code of conduct

April 2021 – AUM update, brainstorming for new strategic plan

March 2021 – finalizing AUM keynote speakers and symposia, COVID updates, proposal writing workshop, strategic plan

February 2021 – upcoming SAB meeting, AUM planning, COVID updates, new podcast

January 2021 – welcoming new members, nominations, AUM planning, COVID updates

2020 Meeting Minutes

December 2020 – Seminar speakers, UEC election, COVID-19 update

November 2020 – Access to Foundry during COVID-19, UEC election, Kristin Persson

October 2020 – Elections plan, AUM keynote speaker suggestions, AUM dates

September 2020 – UEC elections, UEC website, call for proposals

August 2020 – Staff award winner, AUM logistics

July 2020 – AUM update, reopening plans

June 2020 – Starting up research, AUM poster competition planning

May 2020 – AUM updates, starting up research

April 2020 – Proposal system, moving AUM to virtual, website ideas

March 2020 – COVID-19, AUM updates, spring seminar, User Program director update, new user onboarding, code of conduct

February 2020 – New user onboarding, AUM speaker invitations, proposal review considerations

January 2020 – Secretary and Vice-Chair elections, Foundry seminar POC, code of conduct, equipment downtime, AUM organizing committee